Exam preparation tips

As exams are near approaching, it is time to quicken things up. Hardly a month to go for your board exams to start. By now you must have prepared most of your 10th or 12th Syllabus. Today we are sharing with you some of the time tested exam preparation tips that you can follow to ace the final exams.

Tip No. 1
Read from your course book. Do not use study guides when you are reading initially. First be thorough with the prescribed textbook.

Tip No. 2
While reading your course book or textbook, mark important point. You can use a pencil or highlighter to do that. Mentally go through the topic once you read it. ( Bonus tip –  you can use the margin of the page to note down the summary of that particular topic- easier to recollect while your doing revision)

Tip No. 3
Remember the formulas and equations. There are marks allotted for writing down the correct formula as well.

Tip No. 4
Continuous revision. According to studies, one can recollect only one-fourth of the studied material after a week. So you need to revise your portion again and again.

Tip No. 5
Use Diagrams
Our mind remembers colours and graphics more easily. If memorising particular steps become difficult for you, draw a diagram even if it is not given in the textbook. You can jot down important points with different colour pens so that your mind will have the impression of these colours. This will help you in recollecting what you had studied.

Tip No. 6
Practise the problem
Especially in case of subjects like maths and physics, practising the problems will help you to speed up during the exams. Take previous years papers and solve those questions too. If you are in luck, one or two of them might appear in your exam paper.

These are some techniques/ tips that we have shared with you. We hope it will help you to achieve the target that you have decided. Apart from this
– DO NOT forget to take enough rest. One needs to give proper rest to their mind especially the night before the exam.
– Eat properly. Avoid junk food a week before and during the exam period. Eat nutritious food.
– Practise deep breathing. Practising deep breathing for 15 – 20 minutes twice a day will relax your mind, settle down the fast heartbeat, improves concentration and efficiency while answering the exams.

Good luck!

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