Connecting the right words
Are you a great at story-telling? A great presenter? Not everyone is. But if you aspire to be then yes it is never too late and not impossible. In a world full of people with stories to share and to be shared with, it becomes essential to convey the same with clarity and effectively. Creating an impact, on minds by sharing the incidents, same as you had… or maybe retelling an article you read and liked in a way that will be equally clearly understood and liked is what always a speaker strives for.

In school we are taught to read from textbooks loudly. Yes there is a reason behind it apart from understanding the lesson in the book the main intent is getting the kid accustomed to speak loudly  in a crowded room with confidence and clarity. Kids have to be told to take this exercise positively and for self-improvement.

Even at B-schools of management ,  communication as a subject is of utmost importance for management students as an initiative to make them excellent presenters.

Lets see some tips to have a good flow at speaking

Why would anyone want to listen to you ?
Have a good content to tell that is necessary or relevant to the listener. Once the listener or the audience finds that what you are saying is something really important and the information is adding value to their knowledge and lives, no one will ever turn dull during your talks.

More information and less riddles
Keeping the audience intrigued is a good thing but Avoid beating around the bush. Reach the main point as soon as possible. Even though the topic is interesting, speaking in a code-language where the listener has to relate and understand does not work well all the time.  Not everyone likes to stay puzzled for too long especially the youngsters today are seen to be more impatient and bound by time.

Watch out for the ‘braking phrases’
While giving a presentation or a talk dodge the usage of the words like
Basically , like , Actually , You know , Umm… , Yes… , Ok , And & because (lot of times)
Usage of fillers lower the effectiveness of your message. It causes you to look unprepared and unprofessional affecting your confidence to keep going.
To deal with this you can always ask a friend of yours to listen and help you avoid fillers or record your speech and avoid it during your next practice. Ultimately practice makes you perfect.

Beware of your body postures
Well, what else can affect your communication more?
Beware of your posture as your body communicates more louder than your words.
Eyes contact is essential. Restrict your eye movements till the face of a person during your communication. Do not offend the listener by staring. Make the listener comfortable with your glance.

Eyes contact is essential. Restrict your eye movements till the face of a person during your communication. Do not offend the listener by staring. Make the listener comfortable with your glance.

Once you have mastered the art of speaking with clarity, you can make a serious difference to your communication with others and can make a mark for yourself.

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